Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I can't believe that it is almost the end of October. This week is a short week because I am leaving to go to Nashville to see some college friends for the weekend and my parents are going to Dallas for the weekend for a conference and also for a banquet that we are doing for the ministry. I hope that you will pray for my parents and for the trip they have this weekend! We also have some of our staff traveling and going with them so pray for their safety too.

One exciting thing we found out this week is that we have been given a one minute slot on Moody radio every day to promote the program. We are very thankful for this opening and we pray that new people will be able to find us. We are the only apologetics ministry out their where we answer the questions and defend the truth of christianity.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Well once again I am working on our appeal letter and getting the booktable together that we will be doing in Dallas the end of October. So, it is very busy around here.

The last weekend my parents and part of our staff will be in Dallas for a conference and they will also be doing a banquet. I hope that you will pray for them that weekend and for their safety as they go!

We had some good news happen this past week! Some very generous donors helped us to get back on INSP at a very good time. The time is at 9:30 p.m. eastern time on Sunday night! If you get INSP I hope that you will watch us on this new time. We thank the Lord for bringing this about! We also thank the Lord for wonderful people that help us on a daily basis. We could not do this ministry without them.

Friday, October 05, 2007

This week has gone fast - we are getting ready for conferences and booktables and letters to go out - this gets to be our busy time but one that is very fruitful too!

My parents are gone again this weekend for another business trip! This past week my dad along with his co-writer Dillon Burroughs did many radio interviews on their new book "What's the Big Deal About Jesus". We have some resources from those interviews on the website. That book is a great one to give people because my dad has put together many inerviews with the scholars on who Jesus is and who the media trys to portray him.

In the mean time, we are working out to hopefully have a three minute deal on the radio about our program that will air on Moody and hopefully some other stations. This is an answer to prayer and I hope that you will continue to pray that we can get on some more radio stations and help that expand like the t.v.

Our ministry is very small and the expenses are very big! We could not do it without faithful people who will give and help us to continue to defend the Word of God!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

I can't believe that it is October 2 already. My parents just got back from a trip to CA. In the mean time, we are gearing up for the fall and for the different conferences coming up! Right now we are airing the series that we did with Lee Strobel. If you don't have this series, I hope that you will get it for yourself or for a friend. What I like about this series is that Lee Strobel was an editor for the Chicago Tribune and was an atheist right down the line. Because his wife got saved he started to investigate who Jesus Christ was. He explains this and also about how the media is destroying the person and character of God.

I hope you will pray for us and for my dad. He is doing very well but he still needs prayer for the conferences and programs that are coming up! I hope you will also pray for our staff and for the many responsibilities that we all have. Many of us are doing 5 different jobs because we are so small. If one person is out it slows us down. Thank you for supporting us and for standing with us. If you live near Charlotte or in Dallas I hope that maybe you can come to some of the conferences that we are apart of. There are more details on our website about what is coming up!