This week I want to let you in on some feed back that has come in concerning The Davinci Code. We have had many pastors and teachers call in to show our programs that we did with Erwin Lutzer. More and more I hear of pastors teaching on The Davinci Code which I think is so needed. I personally finished the book and even though Dan Brown is a good writer he does not have his facts straight and he slams christianity based on what we believe and hold our faith on. I also want to mention that my dad will be on the Moody radio Network on the 17th-19th of May on Prime time with some other men talking about the movie and why it is critical to understand the basis for this movie.
I am sure that many of you heard about the marching of the illegal immigrants. If you are going to live here you need to speak English and why would we give up our national anthem to be in spanish? This is our country and if you live here you abide by what we have. I am all for them working in our country if they are legal. Yes, our country is unique in that you have freedom of speech but it has gone too far.