I am sure that many of you saw where there was another shooting in an amish school in PA. It seems to be overwhelming the school shootings that have happened recently.
I remember when Columbine happened. I was in college and I remember seeing the students running out of the building with their hands behind their head. Out of that terrible tragedy came many wonderful testimonies and stories. One was of Cassie Burnell who when asked if she believed in God said yes and was shot instantly. The more I thought about that the more I wandered what I would do in that situation and without a doubt I would have said yes too. I wandered what went through her head at that moment. Was she scared? Did she know she would be killed? Did she know that in a few seconds she would be with her Lord? Did she think about her family and maybe what was said that morning? Questions I know I would have thought and more.
I never had to worry in school about someone coming in and shooting. It is such a different day that we are living in and where innocent lives are being taken. My heart goes out to the families and especially to the amish families that have lost children.