Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Much has happened this month! At the beginning we went to our regular Religious Broadcasters Convention which was in Nashville! We heard Anne Graham Lotz and John MacArthur, Charles Stanley and scores more! We also made some good contacts with people and we also are planning some upcoming projects.

Right now we are working on a new series on Islam that we taped with Dr. Emir Caner! He has been on our program before with his brother. He has co-authored two books with my dad called Islam and Jihad and Islam and Women. The programs we taped are on those topics. It is great material and something that every church needs to be informed about!

The Lord is opening some exciting doors but we need his wisdom and leading in what we are to do in the months ahead! Thank you for your prayers and support! Our ministry is a unique ministry that God has given us and we want to use it for His glory!