Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Well this week is the time for registration for school! Hard to believe that the summer is coming to an end. I know that when we get to August that Christmas is right around the corner! A friend of mine told me that she went into Hobby Lobby the other day and all their Christmas stuff was already out! That is a little early I think!

I feel for kids who are going back to school. The pressure is worse than when I was in school and the things they are being taught are just terrible. In our science classes we have that evolution is true and that God is not real. In history, the kids don't know who the first president was or how our country was founded to name a few.

Here at the John Ankerberg Show we tackle those issues and many others. We need to know how to respond to people to explain why we believe what we believe. Why is our God true compared to Allah or any other god? With your help we can get the truth out and we are thankful for the support. This summer has gone well and we thank the Lord for that!