Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Well, things around here are slowly coming back! As far as the counties that were hit by the tornadoes, it will be years before they get back to normal. We need to continue to pray for all the people who have been affected. There are some sad stories that have come out and there are stories where people have a lot to be thankful for. They may have lost everything but they are alive.

The couple who works for us talk about the fact that you are one heartbeat away from eternity and that is how we need to live everyday! We don't know when our last day will be!

This month we are going to be showing clips from different programs that we have done over the years. It is going to be called our "Future Generations" package. This is something that we need to give our friends and family to help them in their walk with the Lord.

Thank you for your prayers and support. Our family and our staff pray for all of you that give to us!