Wednesday, February 08, 2012

We have some exciting things coming up for this month. On the 15th, we have Michael Easley and Joni Eareckson Tada coming to do a program on suffering. I am so excited about this program because in this day and time there are so many people that deal with suffering in some form. I believe this can make a real impact and I pray that you will pray for these programs as we tape them and that for both of our guests you will give them strength to do the taping.

We hope to play this program in May. Coming up in March we will be taping again with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. There is so much that has been happening in the news about the Middle East. It is exciting to see how the things the Bible predicts will happen are happening. This will be another great program that I hope you will pray for and give to your unsaved friends because these events are happening right now!

Of course, we can not do these programs without your help and support! We need your prayers more than ever! Being on t.v. is very expensive and we are very thankful the Lord has allowed us to be on certain stations to spread His word.