We just taped our program on Prophecy and it will air this weekend on most of our stations. It was so good and Dr. DeYoung and Dr. Showers really explained what is going on in the Middle East and how it pertains to the Bible. I hope that you will order this series to help you and your family and friends.
Here is something I want to share. This past weekend I went to a women's conference which was excellent and I came away really knowing how to study my Bible. If we don't read our Bible and come to the Lord constantly in prayer we will never hear from Him. He is a loving God who is always there for us but sometimes we don't give Him our time. The story of when God got in the boat with some of his disciples and the storm came up is an amazing story. When the storm came up they were afraid they would die. Isn't it amazing how God caused that storm and He was the one they needed to be in the boat to help them. Yet, they were very afraid. How awesome to think the God of the universe who is sovereign and has everything under control really cares about each of us and our needs.
I am going to be gone for a week on vacation but I will write when I get back.