Friday, August 11, 2006

Well, I just got back from being on vacation. I went on a cruise that went to Nassau and a private island called Coco Cay. It was on Royal Caribbean. Everything was great except the food was not that good which was a surprise because I have been on other cruises and the food was always good. Other than that, it was a great time.

On a note here, we started airing our prophecy program last Sunday. It is going very well and it is so good. I hope that many of you will get the series. With everything going on right now it is very useful information.

After this series we are going to go to Islam and that was recently taped with the Caner brothers. It is amazing to me the times we are living in. When I was little we did not worry about terroists and blowing up planes. How that has changed and how it is all around the world. with that going on and Israel in a mess and North Korea and Iran in the background, we know the Lord will be coming soon. It is very comforting to know that we are just passing through and this world is not our home.