Monday, April 30, 2007

Can you believe it is the end of April already? In school I use to love this time of year because of graduation and most of the time it was beautiful! Our weather here is beautiful today but it has been rainy and windy some too. It will be interesting to see what the summer brings.

Our summer is going to be busy between family vacations and our trip to Alaska. In the mean time I am hoping to see some friends from college also.

If you have not seen the program lately, we are airing our series we did with Jimmy DeYoung on prophecy and in June we will be going to our series on relationships and issues that single people and married people deal with. It was a great series that was taped and I hope that you will be able to watch it.

I hope that you will continue to pray for my dad. He had hurnia surgery last week and is very sore but overall he is on the mend. Pray for strength for him and also as he is working on other programs and writing books. He just had his heart surgery in November but is not up to the task of doing a lot of things quite yet! That will come in time.