What a sad week this has been after the tragedy at Virginia Tech. We have some friends whose son teaches at VT in computers I believe. He was fine but we have not talked to him since everthing happened. Of course today is the anniversary of columbine's shooting. When I was in school I never worried about someone coming in and shooting. It is very scary how we send kids to college and even high school and instead of being concerned about learning they have to worry about security.
Personally, I believe that the school should have expelled the shooter after he set his dorm room on fire. Of course, he probably would have come back and killed people anyways. Anyways, it should have been a policy that they should have followed through with. If someone is trying to burn their room and dorm I think that is a serioues problem.
Anyways, I feel very bad for the parents and friends and siblings of these students. Life can go on but they will never be the same. The school that I went to (Bob Jones University) sent a banner which all the faculty and students signed. I hope that other schools will support and pray for VT and that we as a nation will too. They definitely need it!