Tuesday, March 08, 2011

It is hard to believe we are in the month of March! Last weekend we attended the yearly convention of the National Religious Broadcasters which was held in Nashville. It was a great convention where we made some great contacts, saw old friends and heard some wonderful speakers like Ravi Zacharias, James McDonald, and Chuck Swindoll to name a few.

I want to share a saying with you that I heard from one of the speakers. In a nut shell he said that God is never late but hardly is He ever early. How true this is. God is right on time for everything. This applies to every part of our life! It is especially true here at the ministry too!

This month we are doing a special series on science with Dr. Stephen Meyer. He discusses about the cell and how only a designer could have made us the way we are! It is so fascinating and I hope that you will watch the third program this weekend!

Thank you for your prayers and support! With all that is happening in the world it is a great time to be alive and to know that what we are doing counts.