Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Well, spring is definitely in the air this week! It has been beautiful here in TN and the trees are gorgeous! Of course, people who have allergies are miserable right now but that is the price we have to pay when everything the Lord has made is coming out!

This week we are taping some programs with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. He actually came to our church this past Sunday and spoke about prophecy and what is happening in the world right now. Everything that is happening like in Libya and Egypt the Bible talks about in Ezekiel and Daniel. It's actually very exciting to see things happening right before our eyes that the Bible predicted so long ago. We can see that the Lord is coming back very soon!

This Sunday, we will begin our series on the economic crisis that we did with Dr. David Jeremiah. Please join us this week as we start this new series that is very eye-opening and something that we all need to know about and what we should as christians do about it! Dr. Jeremiah is a wonderful man that God is using to spread His word around. You will not want to miss this program!