Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Well here we are in April! Hard to believe how the months fly by. Right now we are doing a great series with Dr. David Jeremiah on the coming economic crisis. It is great information that we all need to hear and prepare for as well. There is always fear when we here of what is happening but we know the Lord is in control and will straighten everything out one day! I hope that you will tune in for this. Coming up after this series we will be doing the second series with Dr. Stephen Meyer who is the founder of the Intelligent Design Movement. Then after that we will be showing a series that we did with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung on prophecy and what is happening today. So, there are lots of exciting programs coming up. In the mean time, our social media outlets are growing and we are so excited of all the doors that the Lord is opening. I hope that you will continue to pray for us as we minister and for all that the Lord is allowing us to do. It is so neat to see the Lord work!