Tuesday, April 12, 2011

This past week has been very busy for us! In the midst of everything going on here at the ministry my dad had to go in for hernia surgery! He is home and recovering from that right now! There are just some things that have to be done and this was something that couldn't wait any longer. We are thankful the surgery went well and now my dad has to go through the process of healing. In the mean time, we are working on some new programs to air in a few weeks that we taped with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung on prophecy. We have done many programs with Dr. DeYoung on Revelation and Daniel and now we will also show what is currently happening in the world and a step by step through end time events. This is going to be something that everyone needs to watch and to buy for a friend or family member. When you listen to what is happening with countries such as Libya and Egypt you can read in the Bible what the Lord predicted would happen with these countries many years ago. It is exciting to hear and to know that the Lord is very close in coming back! We appreciate your support and there are so many doors that the Lord is opening for us and we thank Him for what He is doing!