Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I want to recognize a very special person. This past weekend my parents went to Nebraska to celebrate his cousin's graduation from law school. She got top honors and she is now studying for the bar exam which will be later this summer. I was not able to go but I congratulate her and all the studying she has done!

I want to say another word on the passing of a great evangelical Jerry Falwell. My dad knew him and was very sad to hear of his passing. There may have been statements that we did not always agree with Dr. Falwell on but he stood on the Word of God and preached the Word of God! He also started a wonderful school called Liberty University! A school that has grown so much because of the publicity on tv. I almost went to school there but the Lord had me go elsewhere. I hope that you will join me in praying for the Falwell family and as they take a new direction of leadership!

On a last not I have talked about the show Lost and how much I enjoy watching it. I heard that they are going to continue the series until 2010. My dad decided it would be a good idea to do a book on the show and all the implications that is brings out! I think what makes it so successful is the fact that there are so many twists and turns and what you think may happen does not happen! Plus, I love the characters on the program and how they go back to their past and show what they did before they got stranded. Anyways, if you have not watched it is something to start doing1 I think it is worth it!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Yesterday, I was so fascinated with the queen coming to the white house and all the preparations for the dinner last night! I love to dress up every once in awhile like what they did! It made me think about how we look at people with royalty but we have royalty because we are a child of God! That is so wonderfull and reassuring. I can only imagine what Heaven will be like. More beautiful than anything here and something that will last forever!

This past weekend I went back to my university in Greenville, SC. For those of you who don't know I went to Bob Jones. It brought back so many memories and the school is so beautiful! They have fixed all the buildings and the grounds are immaculate. I went with a friend and we toured the school a little and saw the play they did! At the end of every year, the school puts on a Shakespeare play! This year they did Henry IV. It was so good and so professional. I think if I had to take a class again I would take a Shakespeare class. I love his work and his plays are so well done!

It is hard to believe that summer is right around the corner! When I was in school, time went very slow and now that I am out it is going too fast! Probably because I am getting older!