Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Merry Christmas! Time has flown since I last wrote. This month is always busy for us! There are always lots of letters, christmas gifts and regular orders to get out . We are thankful for the year that the Lord has given us. He has been faithful to us in so many ways and He also opened the door for us to minister to people overseas as well as here in the United States.

This can be a busy time but we need to make time to remember what the Lord did for us in sending us His son. He always makes time for us but how many times do we forget Him? Do you know that in Luke 2 there was no room in the inn for Mary and Joesph to stay? The Greek word for inn is kataluma which means guest room. In those days the houses would have a guest room and so because that was full they ended up staying in where the cattle and horses would be. What a thought that the Lord Jesus came to earth and was born in a stable. There was no pomp or circumstance in the way that Jesus came.

I hope that you will take this into consideration this Christmas season. May you have a joyous Christmas with your family and friends. We could not do this ministry without you. We look forward to what the new year will bring.

Merry Christmas and Happy New year!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I can't believe that it has been a month already since I last wrote! We have been very busy around the JA Show. One exciting thing that has come about is the fact we are going to take another time on the Daystar network that will not only reach more people here in the US but overseas as well. We are very excited for this opportunity to reach people in Europe and the middle east and many other countries. Pray for us that God will provide the resources that we need to do this.

It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is in two weeks and Christmas is right around the corner. I do love Christmas with all the decorations and the music and the fellowship with friends and family. It truly is a unique time of the year and a time to reflect on what Christ did for us by coming to earth as a baby in a manger! What an awesome thing.

Thanks for your prayers and I hope that you will take time to reflect in the next two weeks of something that you are thankful for in your life. We all have something and let us not forget our blessings that we have been given.

Friday, October 02, 2009

My how time flies. I just realized that this week I had not blogged in awhile. I realized this because we just had our family picture done this past week which means that we are getting closer to Christmas.

This weekend we are going to start our series on Israel and the Alignment of the Nations. This was a series that we did with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung and it is very relevant to what is happening today! I hope you will tune in this week!

In the mean time we are working on new programs that relate to prophecy and we have also been working on our christmas catalog that we will be sending out next month. In it we will have a lot of our new stuff from this year and some great deals that you can give to your family members or friends. This will not only go out in the mail but it will be on our website too!

We appreciate your prayers and for your support. Out staff will be out next week. We are going on a staff retreat/christmas outing. This is something they deserve for working so hard! We are so thankful for each of them and for what they do. We all wear many different hats here at the ministry.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Well, this month we are working on many different things. We are showing a series that we did a few months back with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung called Revelation Unfolding. After this series we are going to do our new series of Israel Under Fire. We are so excited because this book is out in our christian bookstores and also in places like Borders and Barnes and Noble. Anything you want to know concerning Israel both now and what is to come is explained in this documentary.

We are also looking towards Christmas. We are working on our christmas catalog which will go out next month. We are going to have some special deals so I hope that you will look at. We will also post it online too.

Thank you again for your prayers. We are looking to take another time on the Daystar network to reach people overseas. My dad has had a burden for this and so we are praying what the Lord wants us to do.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This week I want to share something that I heard in a sermon on Sunday! The preacher was talking about knowing the king and not just the kingdom. There are many people who go to church and because their family has been brought up in the church they think they are saved. My dad use to preach that we can know a lot of facts about Abraham Lincoln but have you ever met him personally. You can know alot of facts about Jesus Christ but do you know him personally? Having a relationship with the king of kings will transform your life! There is nothing greater than knowing him.

In our series on science we have been talking about God and how he created the universe. It is so amazing to see the facts and when you look at the universe you know that someone had to be behind it to make it. It just did not come altogether by accident. This past week we had a great response and if you have not seen it you need to watch. What amazes me is how the evidence shows that there was a creator and how if one thing was out of place life could not exist.

Continue to pray for the ministry and for our staff! We need your prayers for each day in what we are doing for the cause of Jesus Christ!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today one of the ladies that works on our staff part time lost her mother today! It was a blessing because she was sick for awhile. They were a family that grew up on the mission field in Africa! How joyful it is for her to now be in Heaven and not to have any more pain! What a blessing to know that we have a place that is prepared for us when it is our turn to go!

This month we started a new series on science with Dr. Hugh Ross. The programs that we are airing show how the universe came about and how we can prove that there is a God! It is so fascinating. I hope that you will tune in to watch.

Last week I got to talk to some of our people who give to us every month. It was so interesting to hear what people do for a living and how the ministry has impacted their life. I talked to people who live in remote Alaska to people who live in the big cities of New York and Chicago. I thank the Lord for the people who have come across our ministry. We could not do it without them.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Well this week is the time for registration for school! Hard to believe that the summer is coming to an end. I know that when we get to August that Christmas is right around the corner! A friend of mine told me that she went into Hobby Lobby the other day and all their Christmas stuff was already out! That is a little early I think!

I feel for kids who are going back to school. The pressure is worse than when I was in school and the things they are being taught are just terrible. In our science classes we have that evolution is true and that God is not real. In history, the kids don't know who the first president was or how our country was founded to name a few.

Here at the John Ankerberg Show we tackle those issues and many others. We need to know how to respond to people to explain why we believe what we believe. Why is our God true compared to Allah or any other god? With your help we can get the truth out and we are thankful for the support. This summer has gone well and we thank the Lord for that!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

I can't believe that another week is about gone and August will soon be here! We are still in the middle of our series on Oprah and the false gospel that she is presenting. This will be on for two more weeks and then we will go into some science programs that we did with Dr Hugh Ross which are very fascinating and show how we can believe that there is a true God!

A very interesting event happened to me this week that made me stop and really think about what happened! I was in the line at Starbucks and when I pulled up to the window I had my money ready for the girl. When she brought me my drink she told me that the lady that was in front of me paid for my drink. She said that the lady does one good deed each day and that was her deed for the day! It really made an impression on me and something that I want to do too! Whether she was a christian or not she showed that she cares for people. That is something that I am striving to do more and more. I love to help people and to pay for things when someone least expects it. This is something that we should all do and what a better place this world would be if we practiced this.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Well it has been awhile since I last wrote becuase we were gone on vacation with our family! This year we went to Hilton Head Island for a week with our family! We had 16 people all in one house. It was crazy but extremely fun! We decided this year that each day a different family was in charge of lunch and of cleaning up. That worked out great because once your day was done you did not have to do anything in the kitchen the rest of the week! I am already reay to go back! It was such a great place to relax and get away from the day to day stuff!

We just started our new series on Oprah and the false gospel that she is presenting to her viewers. I don't have a problem with her I just don't agree with what she says about christianity and how you can get to God. She is being pulled in by so many people who teach new age techniques and that there are many ways to God. Just think if she really got saved how her program would be transformed!

We do need to pray for her! I hope that you will tune in to watch this series that we did with our guest Dr. Erwin Lutzer.

It is hard to believe that the fall is right around the corner. Here in TN the kids will be starting school in 3 weeks. We have an exciting fall and we have new programs that we will be doing coming up! Again we thank you for your support and for helping us to spread the TRUE gospel.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

It is hard to believe that another week is about finished! It has been wonderful to see how many people have responded to our series on prophecy. This information is so vital to get out because of all the things that are happening in our world today. From North Korea testing their nuclear bombs to what the world is saying about Israel and the promises that Obama is making with other countries, we are getting very close to the rapture.

The other day I was talking with some friends and I said if there was a particular time that I could have lived in it would have been the 50's. Not only do I love the music from that era but also I loved the clothes during that time. It was a happy time with no worries. Nowadays there is so much happening and alot that we should be fearful of. Yet, we know that God is in control and we are steps closer to the rapture happening.

Thank you for your prayers and for your giving! We thank the Lord for you and how you are helping us to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ in a world that is so needing it today!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Sorry I have not blogged in awhile but our family went overseas for a week to London England. It was a wonderful week and I love England. We spent most of the time there and we also went to Paris for a day. I did not realize how much history London has. It not only has to do with kings and queens but also about the history of christianity. One interesting place we visited were the bunkers during World War II where Winston Churchill and his wife and his cabinet of people stayed while London was being bombed. For many years they stayed down there and that is where he commanded from during the war. They still have it like it was in the 40's and it was amazing to see where they lived for so long and how they ran everything during the war. There were so many other places that we went and some things we did not get to because we ran out of time.

Now back to the ministry. Things are going well here! We are currently doing the series with Jimmy DeYoung on Revelation Unfolding and we have had many requests for it. It is a great series on current events and plus we have a syudy guide to go with it! Our next series will be on Oprah and what she is promoting as far as New Age Techniques. We will be offering a study guide with that so small groups can use it. Continue to pray for us and our staff! We have some staff that will be undergoing surgery and some have been sick so we need extra protection.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

We have been very blessed that the programs are doing well! We started a new series this past week on Revelation Unfolding and it is with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung. This time we talk about current events that are taking place with our country and with the countries overseas! What is neat about this series is the way that Dr. DeYoung describes the current events. Plus, we have new study guides that are coming out on this series and the old one we did called Step By Step Through Revelation!

Pray for this series that people may learn the truth and may even get saved as a result of what we are showing. Time is getting short! The laws that are being passed in congress are going to affect what we say on TV. We have a short window of opportunity to get out the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Next week I will be traveling with my parents so it will be a few weeks until I can blog again!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

May is one of my favorite months! This month is full of graduations and school getting out and the excitement of summer to come! We are busy here at the John Ankerberg Show! This week we will be starting a new series on prophecy and current events that are taking place now! This series we did with Jimmy DeYoung and it is something that everybody need to get besides the one we did on the book of Revelation!

In the mean time we are finishing up a project that we are doing for our publisher that consists of a dvd and a book on Israel! This will be a great series but it takes time to edit the material and put together! So, we need lots of prayer to finish this project!

Today I was reminded of how short life is! We had a tragic accident of two boys who were in a car accident this past Friday night! The one that was driving is in the hospital and the other boy died on the scene! This is so tragic for their families, for their friends and for their school! It just goes to show that we never know when our last moment will be and are we ready to face the Lord?

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

This week our staff is still working on a project that we are doing for our publisher. It is a dvd and a book that goes along with Israel and Prophecy! It will be a great series to get but it takes time to put in pictures and music and just to make sure that everything flows together. On top of this project we are working on our next series that we did with Jimmy DeYoung called Revelation Unfolding! This series is about current events that are taking place since we elected our new president!

Thank you for your prayers! Not only does the ministry need it but there are so many people that we talk to each day that have many needs! There is much to take place this summer and it is already upon us! Hard to believe how fast this year is going!

Monday, April 27, 2009

This time of year is my favorite! This past weekend in Chattanooga it was beautiful! It is so neat to look around and see all that God has created and the colors this time of year seem to really show their beauty more!

One thing I wanted to share is that our pastor preached on yesterday was that Paul when he saw who he was he considered himself the biggest sinner or chief of anybody! After he got saved he never stopped preaching the gospel! That is like amny of us. When we first got saved we read our Bible and witnessed to whoever would listen But, as we have walked along that has become less important. Our mission is to spread the gospel no matter what! There are many people in the US who have never heard of Jesus Christ and what he can do for them! We need to be like Paul and keep going until the end because time is running out.

That is what we are trying to do. Right now we are still showing the series on Islam and Jihad! It is a great series but we have not had the response we wanted to see! I don't believe that Christians see Islam as a real threat and it is! We need to be informed because they are infiltrating our country every day! Allah is not God! Our God is alive and well and these people are so decieved! This is such an important topic to get out!

Thank you for your prayers and support!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

This week I watched a great video on YouTube like most people did. It was the lady who is 47 and sang for the British Idol. Here was a woman who walked out without a care in the world and everybody that saw her was wandering what she was doing on stage and could she sing? Well, she blew everybody away when she sang the first note including Simon! She has an incredible voice that no one knew about! I think that is like so many people who God has given talents to and nobody knows about them! It was just an inspiring video to watch. If you have not see it you need to watch.

We have been busy this week working on projects and I have been working on our monthly letter that is going out again! I know the month is about over when we do our letter and it is hard to believe that may is upon us! Right now we are showing the Islam series we did with Emir Caner on Jihad and it is a powerful series. I hope that you will tune in to watch. Continue to pray for our staff and for our family during this time!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Well we finished a busy week last week with two tapings that we did with Jimmy DeYoung! One of those will be shown in the future. This week coming up we will be starting a new series on Islam and Jihad. We will be offering the new book that Dr. Caner and my dad wrote together and also a workbook that our staff has put together to go with the programs! This will be very useful for sunday school classes and just general classes that want to study what is behind Islam and what Jihad is! I hope you will tune in to this exciting series!

It was very sad to see how the storms have devastated so many homes especially this past weekend! Here in TN we had strong storms on Friday and a tornado touched down in Murfreesboro. Last night we had about 30-40 mile an hour winds where I thought the house would fly away! It goes to show the strength of the storms that are happening now and that we have no control over them. It also shows how quickly our possessions can be taken from us! We can't put our money into worldly things because they do not last!

Anyways, I hope that you will pray along with me for the people who have lost so much recently and also that you will pray for our ministry and for the programs that we are going to be showing. We take great risks in what we do but this is truth and this is what the Lord wants us to show.

Thursday, April 02, 2009

It is hard to believe that April has come about! This week we did a taping with Dr. Erwin Lutzer on the topic of Oprah and the New Age. I am sure that many of you have seen that she has had friends on her program promoting the new age and she also has many new age courses that you can take too! Dr. Lutzer wrote a book on this and we taped 6 programs with him. I am not sure when we are going to show this on tv but the programs are very informative and every church needs to get this when we show this.

Our upcoming programs that we are going to be doing is on the historical Jesus and after Easter we will start our new series on Islam and Jihad! These programs are very controversial but the information is so important to get out! We will need a lot of prayer for these programs!

We again thank you for your support and for the prayers also!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

It is amazing to me how well the series on Revelation is doing! I can tell that people are hungry for the word and they want to know more about the things to come! We will be showing this one more week and after that we are going to do a series about Jesus' resurrection from three different series since Easter is right around the corner.

My dad is doing much better from his back surgery and he has been in the office this week! We are getting ready for some tapings and also my dad is working on some book projects in the mean time! We are very thankful as a staff that our ministry is doing as well as it is even during these tough times!

I hope that you will look at our site on facebook and also look at our videos on YouTube that we are putting together! We have had many responses on facebook and it is so neat to hear how the ministry is influencing lives!

Friday, March 13, 2009

When we went to the National Religious Broadcasters Convention last month, they really stressed networking and getting your ministry out on such places like Facebook, YouTube and others. When we got back, we have been working on doing that! My dad now has a facebook page where we have posted pictures and where we also have a group that you can join called the John Ankerberg Show. This is run by our staff by I do show my dad who his friends are and what pictures and videos have been put up! This is producing some great results and we hope to continue to grow it more! I hope you will check out Facebook and YouTube! You can also go to our website at and we have links to some of the networking places that you can go for the ministry.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This past weekend my mom and I went to Atlanta to see our family! My second cousin turned 1 and he is so adorable! When we go on vacation this year it will be very fun especially with him and seeing how he likes the water! I am glad that our family is so close that we can go down for a day! My aunts actually left yesterday to fly to Norway for some meetings that they are involved in with their job! So, pray for them if you think about it!

Things are moving along here at the show! My dad had minor back surgery but is doing well! We are making plans for the programs to come! We have been playing a series on Revelation that Dr. Jimmy DeYoung did on our program! We are very thankful for the response that we have received! Times are getting hard especially for small businesses like ours! We do not know what the future holds but we know God is in control! I am saddened by the loss of jobs that people have experienced in this country! I always want to help people and I wish I had lots of money so that I could help those in need and get them back on their feet! Anyways, thank you to all who are supporting us and continue to pray for our ministry!

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Well this week I am going to stray a little from talking about the ministry happenings. I am a person who gets pulled into shows like American Idol. Now, the reason I like it is because I love to hear the voices that people have(whether good or bad) and I do like to hear what Simon says! Now whether you agree with me or not Simon is usually right about people. Many people do not like him because he bluntly says what he thought about the person and their song. Now, sometimes I do disagree with him but most of the time he is right! It got me thinking about the fact that in our lives we need people to tell us bluntly how we are doing in our walk! We need to be accountable to each other more often! I know that in my life that I should be more accountable to people who really need it or to say how are you doing in your walk? I don't have to be a Simon but I can definitely help people in their walk by being honest with them!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Much has happened this month! At the beginning we went to our regular Religious Broadcasters Convention which was in Nashville! We heard Anne Graham Lotz and John MacArthur, Charles Stanley and scores more! We also made some good contacts with people and we also are planning some upcoming projects.

Right now we are working on a new series on Islam that we taped with Dr. Emir Caner! He has been on our program before with his brother. He has co-authored two books with my dad called Islam and Jihad and Islam and Women. The programs we taped are on those topics. It is great material and something that every church needs to be informed about!

The Lord is opening some exciting doors but we need his wisdom and leading in what we are to do in the months ahead! Thank you for your prayers and support! Our ministry is a unique ministry that God has given us and we want to use it for His glory!

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Well, how time can get away! It is hard to believe that it is February already! Part of January our family went to California to see some donors and spend a little vacation in the desert! It was wonderful! The temperature was 80 degrees everyday we were there! Back at the ranch in Chattanooga, they closed the schools because it was so cold! That has never happened in the time that I have lived in TN!

We just did a great series with Emir Caner who use to be a former muslim! We hope to air that program in March. In these programs Emir talks about Islam and Women and Islam and Jihad. I hope that you will tune in to hear this vital information.

On another note I hope that you will continue to pray for our staff and for my dad! We have some of our staff that have spouses going through surgery and need our prayers. Especially pray for the programs and the subjects that we are dealing with. Before long we may not be able to put out the information that is so vital for Christians and Nonchristians!