Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Just wanted to update the fact that our taping went well on Thursday! We taped Lee Strobel who use to be a former atheist and now is a christian and was explaining the evidence that he came to about who Jesus was! It was a great day hearing from him! We will start to air those programs the week after Labor Day.

Pray for our family this weekend! We are going to be going up north where my dad is speaking at a conference. We are also going to take a little vacation in New York City too! I am very excited to go! The last time we were in New York was a few days before 9/11.

We have many conferences coming up that I will let you know about! My dad is feeling good and I am glad that he can speak in different places coming up! Continue to pray for the ministry and all that we are doing1

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

I wanted to share with some of you that over the past couple of weeks I have talked to some people who have really been impacted by the series that we are doing on creation! I had quite a few women who called and said that the program was an encouragement to their husbands because of circumstances they were in at the moment. I also had a lady call from Colorado who said that her son was glued to the tv and she was ordering two so that he could have one and also so she could give one to his science teacher.

You never know the impact the programs have on people. Plus, we will never know all the stories of how people were impacted by the John Ankerberg Show.

This week we are taping a new series with Lee Strobel. He was a former editor of the Chicago Tribune and a former atheist. Because of the evidence he found he became a christian. We are going to be talking to him on his experience and also on his new book that he has out. This will start airing in September after Labor Day! I hope that you will join in and watch.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

It is so hot here this week as it is in so many other places. Today it is going to be 98 and the heat index will be well over 100 degrees! This is the time of year I feel bad for people who drive delivery trucks because they have no air!

I found out some bad news this past week. I have a friend who her husband was in the Army 7 years ago. He has been out but just last week they called him up to train and possibly go to Iraq. He was trying to get into the Navy as a chaplain but the Lord must have a different purpose for his life right now! I hope you will pray for him and for the other ones who are being called up! I know most people do not like the war and yes I would like for our soldiers to come home, but there is a job to do and we can not let the insurgents come over again to our country. I think that most people do not realize how much that the Muslims are taking over not only our country but around the world. Even in our city we have a mosque. We are definitely getting close to the end times.

Here at the ministry we are now showing the creation series we taped with Hugh Ross. It is so interesting to see our world and how it came about! I hope that you will tune in to watch!

I love talking to so many of our viewers. I talked to a lady just yesterday from South Africa who watches our program on Daystar and this weekend was the first time she had seen the program! How wonderful to know that when you send your donations to us we are helping people around the world!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

First of all I want to say that I am praying for those people who have lost loved ones or ones that are missing in Minnesota. I have never seen anything like that before where the bridge just crumbled beneath those people. It is so sad how not a day goes by that something does not happen!

On another note, I was very saddened to hear about Robin Robert's breast cancer. My grandmother has breast cancer and so far she has been in the clear. Robin seems like a neat woman and is very kind and sensitive. We need to take it on ourselves to pray for her and what she is going through.

We are busy here at the ministry. We are getting ready to tape Mr Lee Strobel on his new book that is out. That will be the end of August. We are also planning the fall and my dad is going to be speaking at several places. He spoke at our church this past Sunday and that is really the first time he has preached since his surgery. He is doing better and goes again to get his checkup! He still needs prayer for strength each day!

The last thing I want to share is our family found out some exciting news. My cousin is going to have a baby in March which will be the first one. That will definitely change things when we go on vacation as a family next summer! I am so excited for her!