Thursday, August 02, 2007

First of all I want to say that I am praying for those people who have lost loved ones or ones that are missing in Minnesota. I have never seen anything like that before where the bridge just crumbled beneath those people. It is so sad how not a day goes by that something does not happen!

On another note, I was very saddened to hear about Robin Robert's breast cancer. My grandmother has breast cancer and so far she has been in the clear. Robin seems like a neat woman and is very kind and sensitive. We need to take it on ourselves to pray for her and what she is going through.

We are busy here at the ministry. We are getting ready to tape Mr Lee Strobel on his new book that is out. That will be the end of August. We are also planning the fall and my dad is going to be speaking at several places. He spoke at our church this past Sunday and that is really the first time he has preached since his surgery. He is doing better and goes again to get his checkup! He still needs prayer for strength each day!

The last thing I want to share is our family found out some exciting news. My cousin is going to have a baby in March which will be the first one. That will definitely change things when we go on vacation as a family next summer! I am so excited for her!