Friday, December 29, 2006

I wanted to give an update on my dad. He is recovering very well and has started cardiac rehab. He will continue to do that three times a week for 12 weeks. The rehab is great because it's part class and part exercise. Continue to pray for him that he does not get an infection or any kind of flu that is going around. He has not come into the office but is working from home.

There are many new programs to do and so I would ask that you pray for him as he is working on what to do next and that the Lord will give him new strength each day!

We had a great christmas except for the fact that on Christmas night my aunt and cousin came down with the flu at our house. So, they could not even go home because they were so sick. Thankfully none of the rest of our family got it. I hope that you and your family had a great Christmas. I know for me and my family that there is so much to be thankful for.

Have a great New Year and I will keep you updated on how my dad progresses.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I know it has been awhile but it has been so busy lately. My dad is recovering well. It will be four weeks tomorrow since he had his open heart surgery. Hard to believe that the time has gone by so fast! He will start his therapy next week but he is still taking it easy!

Our office is bustling with orders and letters going out. December is busy but it is my favorite month. In this month my dad has a birthday and so do I. Also, mom and dad have their wedding anniversary in December. We just celebrate all month. I loveDdecember because of all the decorations and parties and also because the Lord Jesus came to earth and came as a baby for us. I wish it was colder here but living in the south you can get warm temperatures this time of year.

I hope that you will take a look at our website and order some gifts for family and friends. Hopefully everybody has their shopping done! Christmas will sooon be here!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Well, it has been awhile. We have been very busy here at the John Ankerberg Show. In the month of December we have four mailings that go out plus all of our other orders that come through. It all starts to snowball now.

I hope you went out and voted. We need to pray for our country and for our leaders. We especially need to pray for our next president. There are so many things facing our country now and we need to pay attention. I know that so many people in congress do not think we are in a war. They think it is a situation only. They need to look at the facts. We are at war and we are facing terroists that are all over the world and hate America. This election and what we are facing now shows that the return of our Lord is very near.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Last week I went to a conference here that was called Uniquely You. It was all about how to be a godly wife and mother and how to be organized and what your role as a wife and mother should be. It was so good. I learned so much and I wish that all my friends could have gone. There were women that came who were 45 and some who were 25. We had very long days but so much material I felt like I was in school.

In two weeks, TN has a crucial vote for the senate seat. It is between Bob Corker and Harold Ford. I don't know if many of you have seen tha ads that are out, but they are vicious and very political on both sides. This is an important election that leads to the presidential election. For those of us who live in TN we need to vote and we need to make our voice heard for this country. Just by the ads you can tell who is moral and who is not and who wants to make a difference in our country.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I thought I better write something because I am going to be gone this week to a conference for women.

Last weekend I went to see another movie that the christian community has put out. It is called"One Night with the King". It was a terrific movie that told the story of the life of Esther. The sets were unbelievable and the actors did a great job. What was interesting is that in the movie you have actors like Peter O'Toole who are starring in this moive that is christian. What a witness to him and others.I recommend you go and see it. How important it is that we as christian go and see these movies. Of course this was based off of a book but it goes along with the Bible also.

To switch hats we are getting ready for our busy season of Christmas. There is much to go out and we need your prayers and support. It is hard to believe that Christmas is right around the corner. All the stores you go into you see trees and decorations and hear the christmas music. They seem to rush right over Thanskgiving.

Well, that is it for now. I will be back in a few days.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Last Friday night I went to see the movie "Facing the Giants" with my family. If you have not seen this movie I recommend that you go. One of the executive producers, David Nixon, our family knows personally. He also is in the movie along with some of his kids. This was a low budget film but so far it has made close to 3 million. It's a story about a small christian high school football team and the struggles they faced and also the struggles that the coach and his family faced. Throughout the movie it presented the gospel so well and it was a film that just goes to show that everybody will face trials no matter what but the Lord will bring you through them if you are faithful to Him.

Most of the actors never acted before. They were from a church down in Georgia. They did an excellent job for being the first time they acted. Not only did this movie come out in 400 theatres but there are more to come like the Nativity Story and the story of Esther.

I hope that you will pass this info. on to your friends and family to see good wholesome christian films. We need to support more of these films.

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Today my mom and dad are going to be featured on the Daystar network. Daystar is one of the networks that our program is seen on throughout the country. They are going to be talking about our program and the different outlets that we have such as radio, tv and the internet. You can watch this on the internet of if you get the Daystar network.

On another note I thought I would talk about some shows that are out that I really like. One is "Lost". I don't know if you have seen it but it is a very fascinating show. This year is season three. The background is about a plane that crashes and the stories of the people who survive. But, you add in stories of other people they come across and weird things happening on the island. I will not give much away, but last night three of the characters were taken at the end of last season and are in different cages trapped. At the beginning of the show it showed this compound where the "other people" are living. We don't know where our three main characters are really and what will happen to them. We also don't know how these other people know so much about our trapped characters. It is a different twist to this season and who knows where it will go. I will keep you updated but if you don't want to know you better not read my blogs.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

I am sure that many of you saw where there was another shooting in an amish school in PA. It seems to be overwhelming the school shootings that have happened recently.

I remember when Columbine happened. I was in college and I remember seeing the students running out of the building with their hands behind their head. Out of that terrible tragedy came many wonderful testimonies and stories. One was of Cassie Burnell who when asked if she believed in God said yes and was shot instantly. The more I thought about that the more I wandered what I would do in that situation and without a doubt I would have said yes too. I wandered what went through her head at that moment. Was she scared? Did she know she would be killed? Did she know that in a few seconds she would be with her Lord? Did she think about her family and maybe what was said that morning? Questions I know I would have thought and more.

I never had to worry in school about someone coming in and shooting. It is such a different day that we are living in and where innocent lives are being taken. My heart goes out to the families and especially to the amish families that have lost children.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

I received an interesting article yesterday that shows where technology is going. Radio was before tv and the main form of getting your news and entertainment. We as a tv program have radio programs that we do weekly. But, now radio programs are going out and being replaced with podcats and mp3 players. People can now download what they want to hear and so the need for radio is becoming less and less.

10 years ago I never imagined that this is where we would be going. I have an ipod and primarily listen to music on mine. This shows how much technology is changing many ministries like ours.

Our Islam program has been going well. It has definitely fit in with what is happening in the world.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I can tell that it is getting to be fall because it has become cooler here and I love this time of year. TN is really pretty in the fall.

This past week we started our new series on Islam and it is so relevant to today. We hear about Islam every day. I have been doing some commercials also to try to get people like you to join our tape of the month club which is really the backbone of our ministry.

This past week I received an e-mail where it talks about how the terroists want to do something worse that 9/11. They are saying that all the muslims that live here should get out. They also said that they are going to disguise themselves as regular people with regular names and also as christian or toher religions. This made me realize that they hate the US and no matter what they are going to try to destroy what we have.

We nee to continue to pray for our country and our leaders. There is such a threat right now and it is more of a threat now than ever before.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

This week I have been thinking on the fact of 9/11. It is so hard for me to watch even after 5 years since that tragic day. Even when I watch the news they just don't get what we are facing now and in the future. I can remember going to school and we were in a cold war but we never heard about the terroists every day and we never worried about being attacked. That was so far from our minds. I do feel bad for the people who were killed. It is very hard to believe that the twin towers are no longer standing. We were in New York the week before and I never imagined they would be gone. Our family went up one night to the top of the Empire State building and it was so clear and the twin towers were so beautiful.

This weekend we start a new series on Islam and what it means for us and for the nations. What people do not understand is that we are facing an enemy that does not care what we think and wants to kill for the sake of Allah. We can not and will never negotiate with terroists. With everything that is happening we know the Lord's return is soon.

We need to pray for our president and in my opinion he is the right man for the job. The Lord put him in office at the right time. I would not want to be in his shoes. The decisions he makes he needs wisdom and it is our responsibility to pray for him.

I don't know if you saw the documentary on ABC leading up to 9/11. They did a good job of interpreting what I think really went on. We did miss on things and we should have seen the warning signs. I think also the Lord allowed 9/11 and he can allow another one to get our attention and to show us who he really is and we need to be more fervent and reverent to a God that will allow things to happen when a nation turns from Him and turns to things that are not of Him.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Well, it has been awhile. I can't believe that Labor day has come and gone. We are already looking towards Christmas and what we are going to do this year.

Many of you probably heard about Steve Irwin's death (formally known as the Crocodile man). When I heard about it I could not believe that he had died. I was not a fan of his but I thought he was funny at times and somewhat stupid too. Yet, he loved animals and tried to help them as much as he could. He also loved his family more than we will know. I would definitely not go after crocodiles or handle snakes like he did. I really do not like reptiles but the Lord put them here for a reason. Why? I am not sure. What I see as sad is now he has small children that have lost their dad and someone who was not afraid of anything and put his life on the line.

This is an example to me of how as christians we need to put our life on the line because of who we serve. I think back to columbine high school and how the one girl was asked if she belived in God and she said yes and was killed for her belief. She put her life on the line for God. No matter what would happen.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Well here it is another week has gone by. It is hard to believe how fast the weeks go. When I write these blogs I like to comment on what is happening in the world and news flashes going on. The one thing that caught my eye this week was on the Ramsey case. First of all I feel very sorry for the little girl. It has been ten years and they finally caught the person they think did it. I personally think that Mrs. Ramsey knew some things and they are just coming out about this now after she died. I think whatever happened, that Jon-Benet got in the middle of something and her death happened by accident. It is just very strange all the things comin out now on this case.

On another note, our prophecy series has been doing well and we are continuing it for a couple of more weeks. Even though the fighting has stopped does not mean it's over. I believe they will engage in fighting again. This past week has been hard especially with terroists still trying to take down airplanes. I had a friend fly out yesterday and he had some food that he took with him and he had a backpackwith his clothes and shoes. Well, the food got through fine, but he glued his shoes together before he left and because of that they stopped him going through because of his shoes. After some more people came over to check his shoes he was able to go through. You just never know whatthey will stop you for. My advice is to take as little as possible so that you do not slow down the process.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Well, I just got back from being on vacation. I went on a cruise that went to Nassau and a private island called Coco Cay. It was on Royal Caribbean. Everything was great except the food was not that good which was a surprise because I have been on other cruises and the food was always good. Other than that, it was a great time.

On a note here, we started airing our prophecy program last Sunday. It is going very well and it is so good. I hope that many of you will get the series. With everything going on right now it is very useful information.

After this series we are going to go to Islam and that was recently taped with the Caner brothers. It is amazing to me the times we are living in. When I was little we did not worry about terroists and blowing up planes. How that has changed and how it is all around the world. with that going on and Israel in a mess and North Korea and Iran in the background, we know the Lord will be coming soon. It is very comforting to know that we are just passing through and this world is not our home.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

We just taped our program on Prophecy and it will air this weekend on most of our stations. It was so good and Dr. DeYoung and Dr. Showers really explained what is going on in the Middle East and how it pertains to the Bible. I hope that you will order this series to help you and your family and friends.

Here is something I want to share. This past weekend I went to a women's conference which was excellent and I came away really knowing how to study my Bible. If we don't read our Bible and come to the Lord constantly in prayer we will never hear from Him. He is a loving God who is always there for us but sometimes we don't give Him our time. The story of when God got in the boat with some of his disciples and the storm came up is an amazing story. When the storm came up they were afraid they would die. Isn't it amazing how God caused that storm and He was the one they needed to be in the boat to help them. Yet, they were very afraid. How awesome to think the God of the universe who is sovereign and has everything under control really cares about each of us and our needs.

I am going to be gone for a week on vacation but I will write when I get back.

Friday, July 28, 2006

This has been a busy time of the month. Please pray for the taping on prophecy next week that we will do. Pray for the guests as they come in and as they proclaim the truth of what is happening right now as it relates to the Bible.

It is a great time to be living and to see what is going to take place with Israel.

We thank you for your support of the ministry and hope you will continue to pray for us as we procaim God and His word.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

This week I am reminded of how close we are to the end times and that we are probably living in the end times for sure. I feel for the people who are caught in the middle of the war between Israel and Lebanon. Between that happening, the was on terror in Iraq and other countries and the crisis with North Korea, you wander how long God will allow this to go on.

Next month we have invited Jimmy DeYoung and Dr. Renald Showers back to do an updated program on Prophecy and share their thoughts with what is happening and what the Bible says concerning these events.

I have started to read the last of the "Left Behind" books. If you have not read these books you need too. They are page turners and give you a glimpse of what happens when the rapture will occur. We know the authors very well. They are wonderful writers and really show the days after the rapture through different people left on earth. The last book is called "The Rapture". I started reading it and the first couple of pages talk about Israel being involved in a war like they are today. There is no better time to read these books. I will share more thoughts later on this.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Here it is another week. Pray for mom and dad this week. They are at a convention and working on other projects. So, there are very few of us left and we are holding down the fort at the John Ankerberg Show.

Last week I told you that I went to see Superman. Now if you did not see it I would suggest not reading this. Overall, I thought the movie was good. The movie did make Superman to be the hero and to be the Saviour of the world. There were times when they praised him and made him look like he could control everything. At one point, they are trying to get a rocket to launch off of a plane. That fails and so when the rocket takes off so does the plane and of course Superman comes to the rescue. As the planes is plummeting to the ground he catches it and puts it down in the middle of a baseball game. That of course could never happen but with the powers that Superman has he takes control and comes to the rescue. The movie made him look like a Saviour because when everything is in turmoil he comes to the rescue.

It definitely showed the struggle between good and evil and it reminded me how that struggle goes on everyday. It is wonderful to know that there is a Saviour who has control of the world and unlike Superman who can become weak at times our Lord will never fail us and is in control all the time. Like I said, it was a good movie but there are references to him being the one who helps and saves everybody. As my dad has said in his sermons there is only one guy with an S on his sweatshirt and that is the Saviour Jesus Christ.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

My how time flies. I can't believe that the fourth is over for another year! I hope everybody had a good day. Not much happens at the Ankerberg household. We did go to some fireworks nearby on Monday night. Other than that it was low key this year which sometimes that is nice to have.

This past weekend our family went to see Superman. Later this week I will let you know what I thought about the movie and what it was trying to portray.

Hopefully soon we are going to do another prophecy program. With all that is happening in Israel and now that North Korea is testing their missles, many things are taking shape like the Bible says. It is a great time to be living because ultimately the Lord has everything under control and none of this is taking Him by surprise. I will keep you informed when we do the program.

One other thing, I was watching a rerun of Oprah which I don't watch very much. She was celebrating 20 years of running her show. I was thinking as popular as she is it is a shame that she is not a christian because she could have a great platform to get the gospel out. That is what we need is a christian Oprah or Larry King and think of what a difference they would make in this world.

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Happy Fourth of July
I can't believe how fast this summer is going! Especially since next Tuesday is the Fourth. Each day I am reminded how lucky I am to live in America. What a great country it is. It is important as christians to pray for our president and his cabinet and the people in congress. They are our leaders and no matter if we agree with them or not we need to pray for them because they are making the decisions for our country.

Our country is in a different state right now. I remember when I was in high school and there was not a threat like today of terroists. We are definitely getting down to the end times. All around us it is getting worse every day. But, how we can rejoice because the Bible talks about these things to come about. That is my thought for today since we are coming up on the Fourth of July.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

On Sunday, mom and I went down to Atlanta to Northpoint Church. That is where Andy Stanley is pastor. It is a great church full of life and young families. We went down because my cousin spoke on Sunday for Father's day. She talked about her dad and her relationship with him. Her parents were divorced and her mom(my aunt) got remarried. But, her dad was never there for her after that divorce. She talked about how she remembered her dad leaving and how she didn't understand why he left. Through the years she would go and see him and try to make the effort to communicate and to show love, but he never did. He has passed away now but she ended her talk with how things got resolved before he died. There was not a dry eye in the place.

It was very funny and moving all at the same time. She did a great job and I hope it spoke to many people. It was hard to listen to without crying because I knew her dad and knew all the pain she went through too.

Speaking of Father's day I am very thankful for my dad. To many of you he is a man that you see every week debating people and bringing forth the truth about Christ. To me he is the best father anyone could have. We are very close and I don't know what I would do without him. He has taught me so much in life and is such a role model for me and what I want in the man I will marry. To me he is just dad.

Friday, June 16, 2006

Well, here it is Friday again. It seems that the weeks go by fast. When I was in school people told me that it would go by fast when I graduated. I didn't believe them but now I do! That is why it is important to make each day count.

This week has been relatively slower than usual. That is good to have every once in awhile to get caught up on things. Very soon we will be getting ready to send out our monthly newsletter. I thought I would tell you a little on how that operates. We do all our letters in house. Usually we have a 4 page letter that is front and back. My job is to print it and we have the letter broken down into 7 jobs. Once it is has printed off of our copiers the next task is to fold all the letters. We have a big folding machine that does that job. It is so loud that I have to wear earplugs and it is in a room by itself. Once that is done, there are about three of us that stuff all the letters by hand. This is all done in about a space of a week or so. That is including everything else we do like ship orders out and answer the phone and attend meetings etc. After the letters are stuffed we have to put postage on everything and take it to the Post Office. There are always times that some of the machines break down and you always pray that everything will go smooth.

Well, hopefully that was not boring to read. I wanted to let you know how some things operate at the John Ankerberg Show.

Monday, June 12, 2006

It has been awhile since I have written because our family was on vacation last week. We went to the beach and it was so beautiful. I think I could have spent another week. My cousins came down for about two days which was nice. So, now it is getting back in the swing of things.

Every time I go to the beach I am reminded of God's beauty and how really magnificent the ocean is. I am sure that many of you like me like to watch people. It was so funny to see parents building sand castles and the kids would just watch them. I also saw many families that would come for the whole day and they came with coolers and rafts and blankets and anything else you can imagine.

That leads me into what we are doing next on the program. We are going to be doing a series on why do you believe what you believe and where is the evidence that shows who Jesus really is? My dad did a series of sermons on this topic and I think it is very important material. It's material that you can use in your sunday school class or in a bible study. So many people need to hear this materials because the churches are not teaching this kind of thing and they should be. We as adults need this materials to explain to our kids. I looked at all the kids last week and I kow many of them are lost and will be if they do not hear the gospel.

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

It has been awhile since I have spoken so I thought I would let you know what was happening. This is a busy week because this is the week we get out monthly letter out. We have a very small staff and everybody does about 5 jobs.

Our series on DaVinci has done well. Now that the movie is out it seems that it has calmed down. We still need to understand what all the fuss is about. That is why we are now offering a series my dad did some sermons on as to why it is we believe the Bible. This is a great series for college students and for pastors also.

Our family is going on vacation which will be nice. I hope that you will continue to pray for our ministry.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Each day I get to talk to many people. In the past few weeks, I have talked to quite a few that have learned so much from the program and ordered our DaVinici series because it was clear and concise. They also told me that our program is the only one that will tackle not only movies that come out but any issues whether it is controversial or not.

How true this is. There are many ministries out there preaching the gospel but my dad started the John Ankerberg Show to stand up for truth in many different areas. Whether it be other religions or social issues, our ministry is to proclaim what the Bible says and have the opposing side come on the program and defend what they believe vs. the Bible. That is what we are fighting right now in our world. With so many books coming out and saying that Jesus was a mere man and not divine and now you have the DaVinci movie, we have to stand up for what is right and defend who Jesus Christ is.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

If you have been watching you will see that the DaVinci movie was not liked overseas. Even the people here in the US that have seen it do not give it a very high mark. I was reading in people magazine and they said basically that the movie was long and it just was not done well. I am going to see it probably this weekend because I have read the book and I want to see what they do with it.

On another note, this past weekend our family went to Indiana to see my cousin graduate from college. The school she went to had a tragedy about a month ago where three seniors died in a wreck. Some other students died and some were injured. An 18 wheeler came across the median because the driver fell asleep. It was very sad at the graduation because they were so close to graduating and the Lord took them home. They honored them and they also gave the families their diploma. It made me realize how precious that family and to make each day count for one another because you do not know when that will be your last.

Friday, May 12, 2006

A little more about me. I graduated in May of 2000 from Bob Jones. I really did love the school and all the friends I made. I loved the dorms because I am an only child. Not only did I get an education but I also got educated more in the fine arts. Every year they would do a professional opera and Shakespeare plays that were very well done.I can hardly believe it has been 6 years.

This weekend mom and dad are going to chicago and dad will be taping the broadcast for next week on Moody. I hope that you will pray for that and also that many people will understand the truth behind the DaVinci Code.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

So, another day and a little more about me. I am an only child which I really have loved. I have been able to travel many places with my parents and have been to most of the US and I also have been to Israel, the Greek Isles, Istanbul, the Caribbean, Mexico, and Brussels just to name a few.

I went to a private high school that was all girls. I really enjoyed it. Statistics show that girls learn better without guys in the classroom. That was very true where I went to school. It was a great prep school and really helped me prepare for college. After graduation I went to Bob Jones University which is in Greenville, SC. When people hear that they say that it is so strict. You have to have rules when you have a big school. I didn't mind it and it is not for everybody to go their. My major was in communications. I really enjoyed the people and I made a lot of friends. Anyways, I will tell you more later.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Today I did another commercial which I am doing frequently. I really enjoy it and I hope that some of you will be able to see me on our tv program.

I wanted to also remind everybody that my dad will be on the radio for Moody next Wednesday, Thursday and Friday for 1 hour on prime time america. He will be the moderator and the panel will include Dr Erwin Lutzer, Dr Darrell Bock, Dr Michael Easley and Ted Baehr. They will be discussing the DaVinci Code and it is something everybody needs to hear.

I also wanted to tell you a littl more of what I do at the ministry. We are very small so we all do about 5 different jobs. I am over the shipping department and take care of all your orders and I also am over all the letters that go out from here. I also do commercials and PR for the show. I have been working full time since May 2000. I love working in the ministry and with my family. I know that I will not do this forever but I enjoy it now. I will from time to time tell you a little more about me.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

At our ministry we get many calls from pastors who want our resources to use for their congregation. I hope that you will as lay people encourage your pastors to come to our website and check out the resources we have available. One interesting thing that we have is where you can download MP3 files onto your IPod or onto a cd. We are trying to change our format so that it is user friendly in this day of technology. I personally have an ipod and I love it. On mine I have mostly music but I eventually want to put more resources on it that can help me.

I had an interesting conversation with our mail man the other day on the Davinci Code. He is a christian but did not understand what the book was all about and why we were upset by it. I was able to tell him about the book and when I made it clear to him he saw it in a whole new light. He was going to get some of our materials to help him and others. I also had a conversation with a pastor today who had heard of the DaVinci Code but did not know what it was all about. In the end, I sold him on getting materials we have. We need to continue to get the word out that this is not christianity. I keep pounding away at this but we need to get the truth out.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

This week I want to let you in on some feed back that has come in concerning The Davinci Code. We have had many pastors and teachers call in to show our programs that we did with Erwin Lutzer. More and more I hear of pastors teaching on The Davinci Code which I think is so needed. I personally finished the book and even though Dan Brown is a good writer he does not have his facts straight and he slams christianity based on what we believe and hold our faith on. I also want to mention that my dad will be on the Moody radio Network on the 17th-19th of May on Prime time with some other men talking about the movie and why it is critical to understand the basis for this movie.

I am sure that many of you heard about the marching of the illegal immigrants. If you are going to live here you need to speak English and why would we give up our national anthem to be in spanish? This is our country and if you live here you abide by what we have. I am all for them working in our country if they are legal. Yes, our country is unique in that you have freedom of speech but it has gone too far.

Monday, April 24, 2006

April 24
So starts another week at the John Ankerberg Show. We are moving ahead to things coming up. Dr. Ankerberg(or my dad) is going to be on a special radio program that Moody out of Chicago is doing the week that the DaVinci movie comes out. It is going to be good to get the informtaion out to the public so I hope that you will listen. I will let you know about times coming up.

Out ministry is located in Tennessee. It is a beautiful place to live with the mountains and rivers all around. Today is a beautiful day but it is suppossed to get cooler and some rain this week. I came from Chicago so I really like it here. Who could live in Chicago? I have never been so cold as I have been up in the Windy City. Anyways, TN is a great place to live and it works well for a southern girl like me.

Monday, April 17, 2006

Well, it has been awhile. I am just about done reading the DaVinci Code book. I must say that Dan Brown definitely has his facts wrong about Christianity. It made me so mad to read where he says that Jesus was married and saying that everything about what we have learned as far as Christianity is concerned is false. He is a good writer but other than that the book is just so misleading.

Our ministry is putting out dvds that have to do with The Lost Gospels. Many books such as the "Jesus Papers", "The Jesus Dynasty" and many others are just plain wrong and falsify Christianity. I personally will not buy any of those books. The only book that is true and will continue to be the best seller is the Bible. We as Christians need to stand up for the truth and tell our friends and family about why these books are false.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I want to say personally that I am reading the DaVinci code book right now and it does have a very good plotline but it goes against what I believe as a Christian. Jesus was human but he was also God at the same time and therefore saying that he was married and had a child is lunatic because he came to earth to fulfill his mission for me and for everybody else. That was dying on a cross and taking my sins so I could accept him as my Saviour and live with Him forever one day.

We as a ministry stand up for the truth and defend the gospel. Being a christian is a relationship not a religion. I personally will go and see the movie but it is because I want to know how they present who Jesus is and be able to better explain it to people why I disagree with the movie.
April 4

With the DaVinci movie coming out, how can you answer the important questions that your friends and neighbours will have?

Join us in two weeks to find out the answers to many questions surrounding the DaVinci Code.

On the radio we discuss about Islam, and is it opposed to Democracy and Christianity?

In a few days, we will have updates on upcoming programs that will be aired.