Friday, January 25, 2008

Well, yesterday my parents got home from traveling for two weeks. They had a good trip but trying to get back into the work that is here. It is nice to have them back because I take on a few more responsibilities when they are gone. I don't mind it but I am taking care of their house, my grandmother nd our office. Life gets to be fun.

I am glad that January is almost over. It is such a boring month to me. First, all the decorations are down so things look dark. Second, it has been extremely cold here. In TN we are not use to temperatures staying in the range of 19-25 degrees. Now, I know that is a heat wave to some people but for us in the south that is cold. We even got some snow which was beautiful. I figure if it is going to be this cold we might as well have more snow.

This month is a hard month for us at the ministry finance wise. I credit my dad so much because he is very careful with spending God's money and using it for the right purposes. That is one thing I will take away with me about my dad is how wise he is in the decisions that are made. Thank you for standing with us and continue to pray for our ministry.