Thursday, June 19, 2008

Well, this past Sunday was Father's Day! I am very grateful for my father and that the Lord has allowed him to live longer. It was just two years ago that he went in for open heart surgery. It is one thing when something happens to say your aunts and uncles or your grandparents, but when it comes to your parents it really hits home. I knew that the Lord would bring him through but it was still a valley that the Lord took my mom and myself through that I learned to trust him more. The passage in the Bible that helped me through that time was Psalm 103. I had heard Dr. Michael Easley preach on this the Sunday before my dad went in for tests and I did not know how much that passage would mean to me. I hope you will read that today. It is very comforting and encouraging.

Things are going well here at the ministry. We are getting ready for new programs to come up and my dad is working on some other books that are coming out soon. I hope that you will continue to pray for his strength and for guidance as we try to figure out what we need to do for this fall!